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23rd June 2006

Had to sub the missus again to the tune of 20 quid to buy a birthday present for an old friend who she works with. Also spent £14.64 at the supermarket.

22nd June 2006

Not too bad today either - prescription from the chemist £6.65 and bought tea from McDonalds as too tired to make anything after last night's night out £6.36. Spoiled unfortunately by the sporg having two birthday parties to go to - one form school a week on Saturday and one from down the street this Saturday. Had to buy a pressie online from an ebay store £17.73, not sure if it'll come in time for this weekend's party so may have to do as pressie for the second party.

21st June 2006

Not too bad a day today - only spent £19.67 at the supermarket, but unfortunately had to sub the missus a tenner as she was skint.

20th June 2006

Today was a really bad day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It started badly with my daughter wanting some money so she could buy some books at the school bookfair, so, having no change, I gave her a tenner and said I wanted change. (She came back with 3 books and 2 pence change!) 

Next, as part of the missus' 40th birthday pressie, I got us tickets to go and see the Eagles at the MEN Arena. Now, I wouldn't normally have gone to this, but the missus is a big fan and it was her 40th, but this is down as their farewell (again!) tour so they put their prices for the tickets up from £40 last time they played to a staggering £75, plus booking fee = £80!!!!!!!!!!! That's £80 EACH, by the way!!!!!

Anyway, we were late setting off and it was absolutely chucking it down with rain, so instead of getting the bus into town as we'd planned, we avoided getting drenched and being late by getting a taxi. Then we went for some tea out at The Grinch ( we saved money here by going during happy hour and getting half price pizza and half price house wine - a moneysaving result for once!!!!!!!!!

Then we went to the Hard Rock Cafe to meet a friend who was coming to the concert with us. Unfortunately he was late, so we ended up having 2 drinks instead of one. Then onto the concert and more drinks. Then after the concert, back to the Hard Rock Cafe and a few more beers! Luckily, our friend was driving, so we only had to buy him one Coke and he got free refills - and he gave us a lift home which saved on the taxi fare - so at least we felt as if we were moneysaving even if we were really spending money we didn't have!!!

Then after that we had to get a taxi home for my dad who babysat the sprog for us!
Total spend for today  an earth shattering  £108!!!!!!!!!!!!

19th June 2006

Only one spend today, but unfortunately it was £57.91 at the supermarket, which is a big spend and as I was already £128.26 overbudget for the month, it's yet another disaster for this month!!!!!!!!! I'm now  £186.17 overbudget for the month and I don't get paid till next Tuesday!!!!!!!!!

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